Fiscal Integration in the European Union

Jean Monnet Chair

Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

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«The Mud Lady and the Italianisation of British Politics»

Published online in Àmbits de Política i Societat with the original title: «La dama de fang i la italianització de la política britànica» (26/10/2022). An analysis by Miguel A. Medina Abellán, PhD in International Relations from the University of Cambridge, and coordinator of the Jean Monnet Chair on European Integration.


«What to do with the wealth tax?»

Published online in Diario Jurídico with the original title:» ¿Qué hacer con el impuesto sobre el patrimonio?» (24/10/2022). Summary of the presentation of the General Council of Economists, of which Dr. Juan Corona, director of the Jean Monnet Chair, is a member.

Link: utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=que-hacer-con-el-impuesto- sobre-el-patrimonio

«Experts call for ‘rethinking’ wealth taxation, taking into account the CCAA financing system»

Published online in Noticias De with the original title: «Expertos abogan por «repensar» la fiscalidad de riqueza, teniendo en cuenta el sistema de financiación de CCAA» (19/10/2022). Meeting of tax experts attended by, Dr. Juan Corona, director of the Jean Monnet Chair.

Links in all available news platforms:


«Experts call for ‘rethinking’ wealth taxation, taking into account the CCAA financing system»

Published online in Negocios with the original title: «Expertos abogan por «repensar» la fiscalidad de riqueza, teniendo en cuenta el sistema de financiación de CCAA» (18/10/2022). Meeting of tax experts attended by, Dr. Juan Corona, director of the Jean Monnet Chair.

Link: sistema-de-financiacion-de-ccaa/

«The director of the Institute of European Studies of the CEU Saint Pablo points out that Putin’s call for referendums shows «that he is in a hurry to finish»»

Published online in Siglo XXI with the original title: «El director del Instituto de Estudios Europeos de la CEU San Pablo apunta que la convocatoria de Putin de referéndums demuestra «que tiene prisa por acabar»» (23/09/2022). Session with José María Beneyto, Director of the Royal Institute of European Studies at CEU Saint Pablo University, moderated by the Jean Monnet Chair.

Links in all available news platforms:

«The inflation crisis: a stroke with structural consequences»

Published online in Cinco Dias with the original title: «La crisis de la inflación: un ictus con secuelas estructurales» (22/08/2022). Reflections on inflation by Dr. Albert Guivernau, member of the Jean Monnet Chair.


«Innovation: deficits and opportunities»

Press article by doctor Albert Guivernau. Published in ElPeriódico with the original title: «Innovación: déficits y oportunidades» (07/06/2022). Analyses the crucial role of investigation and innovation as engines of economic growth.


«Innovation in Spain: deficits and opportunities»

Published online in El Periódico with the original title: «Innovación en España: déficits y oportunidades» (06/06/2022). Reflections on the European Innovation Scoreboard 2021 by Dr Albert Guivernau, member of the Jean Monnet Chair.

Link: catalina-martinez-albert-guivernau-13787832

«The best defence of national interests is to continue to rely on open economies»

Published online in Economía de Hoy with the original title: «La mejor defensa de los intereses nacionales es seguir confiando en economías abiertas» (18/05/2022). Economists such as Juan Corona, director of the Jean Monnet Chair, warn of the «historical mistake» that would entail repeating the isolationist techniques already practiced after World War I.


«Europe facing the challenge of economic integration»

Press article regarding the economic debate between doctor Juan Corona, director of Jean Monnet Chair in European Policies, Dolors Montserrat, European parliamentarian, Ileana Izverniceanu, member of the European Economic and Social Committee and Francesc Granell, collegiate of the Col legi d’Economistes de Catalunya. Published in 20Minutos with the original title: «Europa, ante el reto de la integración económica» (01/04/2022).

Link: integracion-economica-y-un-gobierno-supranacional-fuerte/

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