Taller: Entrepreneurship & Leadership Lab – learning by doing

El próximo día 18 de abril, de 17:30 a 20:30 tendrá lugar el taller: Entrepreneurship & Leadership Lab – learning by doing.

Será impartido por Ryan Cosgaya, especialista en: Creates impact through innovation and entrepreneurship.

RYAN COSGAYA is an international advisor on education and a trainer.
He provides customised advisory services to universities and management teams. A leading expert on innovation, entrepreneurship, and startup hubs, Ryan is helping organizations develop and grow.

As for Academic work, Ryan´s available for visiting professorships,  presenting guest lectures or faculty seminars and other productive institutional activities such as delivering training workshops and engaging actively to spread awareness of the PBL teaching method (learning-by-doing). A creative, collaborative and HANDS-ON LEARNING APPROACH.


A lo largo de los próximos días se facilitará el lugar de realización del taller.

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